Data Warehousing
Data Warehouse highlights the capture of data from various origins for the useful analysis. Data Warehouse stored on an enterprise mainframe server or increasingly in the cloud. The data from various online transaction processing applications (OLTP) extracted for use by analytical applications and also user queries.
Optimized data warehouse architectures allow data scientists to organize and demonstrate repetitive data.
The Data Warehouse has been locked in effectively crosswise over various enterprise utilize cases for a considerable length of time. However, Data Warehouses have likewise changed and should keep on if they need to stay aware of the changing necessities of contemporary Enterprise Data Management.
Users including data scientists, business analysts, and decision-makers access the processed data in the data warehouse through business intelligence tools, Spreadsheets, and SQL clients.
- A multidimensional database management system designed to support the management decision making.
- Data Warehousing is a copy of transaction data specifically structured for querying and reporting.
- Subject-oriented data that gives information about a company's ongoing operations.
- Combining data from multiple and usually varied sources into the comprehensive and easily manipulated database.